Hong Kong China
  • Poland
  • Hong Kong China
Time (minutes)0
Hong Kong China0
0 60
MinuteMin Info Score 31 - 20Score
1 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Penalty shot) [1 - 0]
2 score Hong Kong China - Kwok Kuen HAM [HKG09] (Near) [1 - 1]
3 score Hong Kong China - Chuen Wai CHAN [HKG20] (Medium) [1 - 2]
5 score Poland - Marcin LUBA?SKI [POL16] (Medium) [2 - 2]
6 substitution Poland - Anna KOPEC [POL07] substituted Karolina JOZEFACIUK [POL02]
7 score Hong Kong China - Kwok Kuen HAM [HKG09] (Penalty shot) [2 - 3]
8 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Free pass) [3 - 3]
11 score Hong Kong China - Chuen Wai CHAN [HKG20] (Penalty shot) [3 - 4]
13 score Hong Kong China - Chi Tang YIM [HKG04] (Medium) [3 - 5]
13 score Poland - Andrzej PLANDOWSKI [POL13] (Long) [4 - 5]
13 score Hong Kong China - Kwok Kuen HAM [HKG09] (Medium) [4 - 6]
14 score Poland - Marcin LUBA?SKI [POL16] (Medium) [5 - 6]
14 score Hong Kong China - Chi Tang YIM [HKG04] (Long) [5 - 7]
15 comment Time out 1 for Poland.
15 score Hong Kong China - Kwok Kuen HAM [HKG09] (Penalty shot) [5 - 8]
16 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Medium) [6 - 8]
17 score Hong Kong China - Chi Tang YIM [HKG04] (Medium) [6 - 9]
18 score Poland - Krzysztof RUBINKOWSKI [POL10] (Long) [7 - 9]
20 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Penalty shot) [8 - 9]
21 score Poland - Andrzej PLANDOWSKI [POL13] (Long) [9 - 9]
23 score Poland - Katarzyna PAWLAK [POL04] (Medium) [10 - 9]
24 comment Hong Kong: penalty missed by HKG20 - Chuen Wai CHAN
25 comment Poland: penalty missed by POL10 - Krzystof RUBINKOWSKI
26 comment Time out 1 for Hong Kong.
26 score Poland - Krzysztof RUBINKOWSKI [POL10] (Free pass) [11 - 9]
27 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Near) [12 - 9]
28 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Penalty shot) [13 - 9]
28 score Hong Kong China - Chuen Wai CHAN [HKG20] (Penalty shot) [13 - 10]
29 score Poland - Marcin LUBA?SKI [POL16] (Running in shot) [14 - 10]
29 score Poland - Andrzej PLANDOWSKI [POL13] (Medium) [15 - 10]
30 score Hong Kong China - Kwok Kuen HAM [HKG09] (Penalty shot) [15 - 11]
30 score Poland - Krzysztof RUBINKOWSKI [POL10] (Near) [16 - 11]
30 comment Half time: 16 - 11 in favour for Poland
31 substitution Hong Kong China - Ying Yeung Jason TANG [HKG05] substituted Chun Man LAM [HKG16]
31 comment Poland: penalty missed by POL10 - Krzystof RUBINKOWSKI
32 score Poland - Krzysztof RUBINKOWSKI [POL10] (Long) [17 - 11]
33 score Hong Kong China - Kwok Kuen HAM [HKG09] (Medium) [17 - 12]
35 score Poland - Chantal CALJOUW [POL05] (Medium) [18 - 12]
36 score Poland - Marcin LUBA?SKI [POL16] (Penalty shot) [19 - 12]
37 score Poland - Marcin LUBA?SKI [POL16] (Running in shot) [20 - 12]
38 score Poland - Joanna CZYZAK [POL08] (Running in shot) [21 - 12]
38 score Hong Kong China - Tim Tim YAU [HKG06] (Medium) [21 - 13]
39 score Poland - Krzysztof RUBINKOWSKI [POL10] (Near) [22 - 13]
39 score Hong Kong China - Chuen Wai CHAN [HKG20] (Medium) [22 - 14]
40 score Hong Kong China - Tim Tim YAU [HKG06] (Medium) [22 - 15]
41 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Near) [23 - 15]
42 comment Time out 2 for Hong Kong.
42 substitution Hong Kong China - Wyinga IP [HKG02] substituted Wing Yan TSANG [HKG18]
42 score Poland - Krzysztof RUBINKOWSKI [POL10] (Near) [24 - 15]
44 score Poland - Marcin LUBA?SKI [POL16] (Penalty shot) [25 - 15]
46 score Poland - Joanna CZYZAK [POL08] (Medium) [26 - 15]
48 substitution Poland - Sebastian GUZINA [POL12] substituted Andrzej PLANDOWSKI [POL13]
49 substitution Hong Kong China - Chung Kei AU [HKG12] substituted Wai Seen Sincere IP [HKG13]
49 substitution Hong Kong China - Wai Ching ALF CHAN [HKG03] substituted Chuen Wai CHAN [HKG20]
50 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Near) [27 - 15]
51 score Poland - Katarzyna PAWLAK [POL04] (Running in shot) [28 - 15]
51 substitution Poland - Aleksandra KLEINROK [POL06] substituted Katarzyna PAWLAK [POL04]
51 substitution Hong Kong China - Chi Wai LAU [HKG10] substituted Chi Tang YIM [HKG04] (Injury )
51 score Hong Kong China - Chi Wai LAU [HKG10] (Penalty shot) [28 - 16]
52 substitution Poland - Pawel SOBKOWIAK [POL18] substituted Krzysztof RUBINKOWSKI [POL10]
52 score Poland - Sebastian GUZINA [POL12] (Running in shot) [29 - 16]
53 score Hong Kong China - Kwok Kuen HAM [HKG09] (Penalty shot) [29 - 17]
54 score Poland - Pawel SOBKOWIAK [POL18] (Medium) [30 - 17]
54 comment Poland: penalty missed by POL16 - Marcin LUBANSKI
55 score Hong Kong China - Wai Ching ALF CHAN [HKG03] (Penalty shot) [30 - 18]
55 score Hong Kong China - Ying Yeung Jason TANG [HKG05] (Penalty shot) [30 - 19]
58 score Poland - Maciej ZAK [POL17] (Near) [31 - 19]
59 score Hong Kong China - Wyinga IP [HKG02] (Medium) [31 - 20]
59 comment Time out 2 for Poland.
60 comment End of the game. Final score: 31 - 20 in favour for Poland
Number Name Sex Position Score
POL10 Krzysztof Rubinkowski D 6
POL16 Marcin Luba?ski D 6
POL04 Katarzyna Pawlak D 2
POL02 Karolina Jozefaciuk D 0
POL08 Joanna Czyzak A 2
POL05 Chantal Caljouw A 1
POL13 Andrzej Plandowski A 3
POL17 Maciej Zak A 9
Number Name Sex Position Score
POL09 Malgorzata RosiŃska R 0
POL07 Anna Kopec R 0
POL06 Aleksandra Kleinrok R 0
POL12 Sebastian Guzina R 1
POL20 Lukasz Gawryczuk R 0
POL18 Pawel Sobkowiak R 1
POL19 Adam Doroszuk R 0
POL03 Magdalena Kaczmarek R 0
Hong Kong China
Number Name Sex Position Score
HKG09 Kwok Kuen Ham A 7
HKG04 Chi Tang Yim D 3
HKG20 Chuen Wai Chan D 4
HKG01 Chau Yee Cheong D 0
HKG18 Wing Yan Tsang D 0
HKG13 Wai Seen Sincere Ip A 0
HKG06 Tim Tim Yau A 2
HKG16 Chun Man Lam A 0
Number Name Sex Position Score
HKG12 Chung Kei Au R 0
HKG10 Chi Wai Lau R 1
HKG08 Kam-yee Grace Pun R 0
HKG03 Wai Ching Alf Chan R 1
HKG05 Ying Yeung Jason Tang R 1
HKG15 Yi Tak Thomas Ma R 0
HKG07 Wing Yun Bud R 0
HKG02 Wyinga Ip R 1

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