Trojans KC
    • 11th Jan 2019
    • 19:00
Time (minutes)0
Trojans KC0
0 32
MinuteMin Info Score 5 - 21Score
1 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Jet HENDRIKS [NED09] (Medium) [0 - 1]
5 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Nick PIKAAR [NED16] (Penalty shot) [0 - 2]
6 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Mick SNEL [NED24] (Near) [0 - 3]
6 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Mick SNEL [NED24] (Penalty shot) [0 - 4]
8 comment End of Q1: 0 - 4 in favour of TOP/SolarCompleet.
8 score Trojans KC - Samuel BROOKS [ENG14] (Near) [1 - 4]
9 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Wessel VAN NOORT [NED22] (Medium) [1 - 5]
11 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Mick SNEL [NED24] (Near) [1 - 6]
12 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Celeste SPLIT [NED06] (Medium) [1 - 7]
13 score Trojans KC - Samuel BROOKS [ENG14] (Free pass) [2 - 7]
14 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Barbara BROUWER [NED07] (Free pass) [2 - 8]
15 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Celeste SPLIT [NED06] (Near) [2 - 9]
16 card Trojans KC - Amy TURNER [ENG01] has gotten a yellow card
16 comment Half time: 2 - 9 in favour of TOP/SolarCompleet.
16 substitution Trojans KC - Neala Brennan [ENG06] substituted Hannah GOODRIDGE [ENG11]
17 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Celeste SPLIT [NED06] (Free pass) [2 - 10]
17 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Barbara BROUWER [NED07] (Free pass) [2 - 11]
17 score Trojans KC - David BROOKS [ENG08] (Medium) [3 - 11]
18 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Celeste SPLIT [NED06] (Free pass) [3 - 12]
19 substitution Trojans KC - Hannah GOODRIDGE [ENG11] substituted Kathryn BROOKS [ENG19]
19 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Mick SNEL [NED24] (Penalty shot) [3 - 13]
20 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Barbara BROUWER [NED07] (Long) [3 - 14]
22 substitution TOP/SolarCompleet - Bastiaan OVERWATER [NED20] substituted Wessel VAN NOORT [NED22]
22 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Barbara BROUWER [NED07] (Medium) [3 - 15]
23 substitution Trojans KC - Stephen GOOCH [ENG24] substituted Tony WOODVINE [ENG07]
23 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Celeste SPLIT [NED06] (Medium) [3 - 16]
23 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Mick SNEL [NED24] (Penalty shot) [3 - 17]
24 substitution Trojans KC - Andy BOVEY [ENG23] substituted Jonathan NICKERSON [ENG27]
24 substitution Trojans KC - Sinead CAFFERKEY-WOOD [ENG20] substituted Amy TURNER [ENG01]
24 comment End of Q3: 3 - 17 in favour of TOP/SolarCompleet.
25 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Bastiaan OVERWATER [NED20] (Long) [3 - 18]
26 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Jet HENDRIKS [NED09] (Medium) [3 - 19]
27 substitution TOP/SolarCompleet - Thomas TIGGELMAN [NED11] substituted Mick SNEL [NED24]
27 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Mick SNEL [NED24] (Long) [3 - 20]
29 score Trojans KC - Stephen GOOCH [ENG24] (Medium) [4 - 20]
30 score TOP/SolarCompleet - Jet HENDRIKS [NED09] (Medium) [4 - 21]
30 score Trojans KC - Dominic BROOKS [ENG21] (Medium) [5 - 21]
32 comment End of the game: 5 - 21 in favour of TOP/SolarCompleet.

Assistant referee

Reserve referee

Trojans KC
Number Name Sex Position Score
ENG19 Kathryn Brooks D 0
ENG01 Amy Turner D 0
ENG27 Jonathan Nickerson D 0
ENG07 Tony Woodvine D 0
ENG18 Elizabeth Mccloud A 0
ENG11 Hannah Goodridge A 0
ENG14 Samuel Brooks A 2
ENG08 David Brooks A 1
Number Name Sex Position Score
ENG24 Stephen Gooch R 1
ENG23 Andy Bovey R 0
ENG21 Dominic Brooks R 1
ENG20 Sinead Cafferkey-wood R 0
ENG17 Stella Hegarty R 0
ENG09 Matthew Warren R 0
ENG06 Neala Brennan R 0
ENG03 Nora Goodridge R 0
Number Name Sex Position Score
NED15 Demi Postma D 0
NED06 Celeste Split D 5
NED24 Mick Snel D 6
NED23 Paul Anholts D 0
NED09 Jet Hendriks A 3
NED07 Barbara Brouwer A 4
NED22 Wessel Van Noort A 1
NED16 Nick Pikaar A 1
Number Name Sex Position Score
NED34 Frank Mostard R 0
NED20 Bastiaan Overwater R 1
NED19 Wouter De Koning R 0
NED17 Fenna Jagtman R 0
NED12 Sanne Jousma R 0
NED11 Thomas Tiggelman R 0
NED03 Roos Verheugt R 0
NED02 Sacha De Haan R 0

Top scorers