KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw
KV Adler Rauxel
    • 26th Nov 2024
    • 18:00
Time (minutes)0
KV Adler Rauxel0
KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw0
0 40
MinuteMin Info Score 16 - 24Score
0 score KV Adler Rauxel - Floris WEBER [ADLR10] (Near) [0 - 1]
3 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Marcin NOWAK [DEFE09] (Penalty shot) [1 - 1]
3 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Lukasz KRZEMIENOWSKI [DEFE27] (Free pass) [2 - 1]
4 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Near) [2 - 2]
6 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Marcin NOWAK [DEFE09] (Medium) [3 - 2]
6 score KV Adler Rauxel - Annika FERNOW [ADLR13] (Near) [3 - 3]
7 substitution KV Adler Rauxel - Patrick FERNOW [ADLR09] substituted Jonathan TREFFTS [ADLR50]
8 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Lukasz KRZEMIENOWSKI [DEFE27] (Near) [4 - 3]
9 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Lukasz KRZEMIENOWSKI [DEFE27] (Long) [5 - 3]
10 comment End of Q1
10 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Adriana Teuna STUIJ [DEF03] (Medium) [6 - 3]
10 score KV Adler Rauxel - Annika FERNOW [ADLR13] (Penalty shot) [6 - 4]
10 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Izabela KOLODZIEJCZYK [DEFE13] (Medium) [7 - 4]
11 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Katarzyna TOMCZYK [DEFE04] (Near) [8 - 4]
12 score KV Adler Rauxel - Annika FERNOW [ADLR13] (Running in shot) [8 - 5]
12 score KV Adler Rauxel - Annika FERNOW [ADLR13] (Medium) [8 - 6]
13 score KV Adler Rauxel - Ann-Kathrin ZIGAN [ADLR30] (Medium) [8 - 7]
13 comment KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw: penalty missed by DEFE13 - Izabela KOLODZIEJCZYK
16 score KV Adler Rauxel - Ann-Kathrin ZIGAN [ADLR30] (Medium) [8 - 8]
16 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Marcin NOWAK [DEFE09] (Running in shot) [9 - 8]
16 score KV Adler Rauxel - Annika FERNOW [ADLR13] (Running in shot) [9 - 9]
17 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Medium) [9 - 10]
17 substitution KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Natalia KLIMCZYK [DEFE12] substituted Maria RUDZINSKA [DEFE11]
20 comment Half time: 9 - 10 in favour of KV Adler Rauxel.
20 score KV Adler Rauxel - Ann-Kathrin ZIGAN [ADLR30] (Running in shot) [9 - 11]
21 score KV Adler Rauxel - Johanna TREFFTS [ADLR08] (Medium) [9 - 12]
23 score KV Adler Rauxel - Johanna TREFFTS [ADLR08] (Medium) [9 - 13]
23 substitution KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Sebastian GUZINA [DEFE19] substituted Roelof Aart KANT [DEF21]
24 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Katarzyna TOMCZYK [DEFE04] (Penalty shot) [10 - 13]
24 score KV Adler Rauxel - Ann-Kathrin ZIGAN [ADLR30] (Medium) [10 - 14]
24 substitution KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Roelof Aart KANT [DEF21] substituted Marcin NOWAK [DEFE09]
24 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Adriana Teuna STUIJ [DEF03] (Medium) [11 - 14]
24 score KV Adler Rauxel - Floris WEBER [ADLR10] (Penalty shot) [11 - 15]
27 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Free pass) [11 - 16]
29 score KV Adler Rauxel - Ann-Kathrin ZIGAN [ADLR30] (Medium) [11 - 17]
30 comment End of Q3
30 score KV Adler Rauxel - Johanna TREFFTS [ADLR08] (Medium) [11 - 18]
31 comment KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw: penalty missed by DEFE12 - Natalia KLIMCZYK
32 score KV Adler Rauxel - Annika FERNOW [ADLR13] (Long) [11 - 19]
32 substitution KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Marcin NOWAK [DEFE09] substituted Lukasz KRZEMIENOWSKI [DEFE27]
32 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Marcin NOWAK [DEFE09] (Long) [12 - 19]
32 comment Time out 1 for KV Adler Rauxel
32 substitution KV Adler Rauxel - Karina KIRSCH [ADLR15] substituted Annika FERNOW [ADLR13]
33 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Running in shot) [12 - 20]
34 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Kamil NOWACKI [DEFE71] (Medium) [13 - 20]
34 score KV Adler Rauxel - Johanna TREFFTS [ADLR08] (Running in shot) [13 - 21]
34 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Near) [13 - 22]
35 score KV Adler Rauxel - Tim Luis GÖDDE [ADLR39] (Medium) [13 - 23]
35 substitution KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Magdalena PIASECKA [DEFE05] substituted Adriana Teuna STUIJ [DEF03]
35 substitution KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Jedrzej RAKOWSKI [DEF22] substituted Roelof Aart KANT [DEF21]
37 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Jedrzej RAKOWSKI [DEF22] (Medium) [14 - 23]
37 substitution KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Julia BALASZCZUK [DEF15] substituted Izabela KOLODZIEJCZYK [DEFE13]
37 substitution KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Alexander KĘSY [DEF06] substituted Kamil NOWACKI [DEFE71]
37 score KV Adler Rauxel - Karina KIRSCH [ADLR15] (Medium) [14 - 24]
37 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Sebastian GUZINA [DEFE19] (Medium) [15 - 24]
39 score KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw - Marcin NOWAK [DEFE09] (Medium) [16 - 24]
40 comment End of the game: 16 - 24 in favour of KV Adler Rauxel.
KS Defenders Korfball Wroclaw
Number Name Sex Position Score
DEFE09 Marcin Nowak A 5
DEFE71 Kamil Nowacki A 1
DEF03 Adriana Teuna Stuij A 2
DEFE11 Maria Rudzinska A 0
DEF21 Roelof Aart Kant D 0
DEFE27 Lukasz Krzemienowski D 3
DEFE04 Katarzyna Tomczyk D 2
DEFE13 Izabela Kolodziejczyk D 1
Number Name Sex Position Score
DEFE05 Magdalena Piasecka R 0
DEF06 Alexander KĘsy R 0
DEFE12 Natalia Klimczyk R 0
DEF15 Julia Balaszczuk R 0
DEFE19 Sebastian Guzina R 1
DEF22 Jedrzej Rakowski R 1
KV Adler Rauxel
Number Name Sex Position Score
ADLR10 Floris Weber A 2
ADLR50 Jonathan Treffts A 0
ADLR08 Johanna Treffts A 4
ADLR13 Annika Fernow A 6
ADLR39 Tim Luis GÖdde D 1
ADLR46 Vincent Burmann D 0
ADL03 Madeline Gust D 5
ADLR30 Ann-kathrin Zigan D 5
Number Name Sex Position Score
ADLR09 Patrick Fernow R 0
ADLR15 Karina Kirsch R 1
ADLR74 Fridolin Kruse R 0
ADLR99 Simon Elias Janzen R 0

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