    • 23rd Oct 2023
    • 15:45
Time (minutes)0
0 40
MinuteMin Info Score 35 - 10Score
0 score Germany - Steffen HEPPEKAUSEN [GER16] (Penalty shot) [1 - 0]
0 score India - Kumari TAMANNA [IND10] (Medium) [1 - 1]
2 score Germany - Lea WITTHAUS [GER01] (Free pass) [2 - 1]
3 score Germany - Lea WITTHAUS [GER01] (Medium) [3 - 1]
4 score Germany - Steffen HEPPEKAUSEN [GER16] (Medium) [4 - 1]
4 score Germany - Steffen HEPPEKAUSEN [GER16] (Near) [5 - 1]
5 substitution India - Hunny NEHRA [IND14] substituted Namit [IND05]
5 score Germany - Pascal WECKENDRUP [GER13] (Medium) [6 - 1]
6 score Germany - Jan Robert HEMING [GER14] (Near) [7 - 1]
8 score Germany - Anna ORTH [GER06] (Medium) [8 - 1]
8 score India - Sharma VISHAL [IND01] (Medium) [8 - 2]
8 score Germany - Lea WITTHAUS [GER01] (Medium) [9 - 2]
10 comment End of Q1
10 score Germany - Lea WITTHAUS [GER01] (Running in shot) [10 - 2]
11 score Germany - Steffen HEPPEKAUSEN [GER16] (Long) [11 - 2]
11 score India - Kummankattil SHILPA [IND03] (Running in shot) [11 - 3]
12 score Germany - Jan Robert HEMING [GER14] (Medium) [12 - 3]
12 score Germany - Lea WITTHAUS [GER01] (Medium) [13 - 3]
13 score Germany - Johanna TREFFTS [GER08] (Running in shot) [14 - 3]
13 comment Time out 1 for India
13 substitution India - Namit [IND05] substituted Pomane PRANAV POPAT [IND12]
13 score Germany - Thomas FREUND [GER15] (Medium) [15 - 3]
14 score Germany - Johanna GNUTT [GER03] (Medium) [16 - 3]
15 comment India: penalty missed by IND09 - Balvinder KAUR
15 score India - NITESH [IND11] (Near) [16 - 4]
15 comment Germany: penalty missed by GER06 - Anna ORTH
15 score Germany - Anna ORTH [GER06] (Medium) [17 - 4]
16 score Germany - Anna ORTH [GER06] (Penalty shot) [18 - 4]
16 substitution Germany - Lucas WITTHAUS [GER19] substituted Pascal WECKENDRUP [GER13]
16 substitution India - Yamini DEHLOO [IND06] substituted Indu BALA [IND04]
16 score Germany - Lea WITTHAUS [GER01] (Medium) [19 - 4]
17 score India - Hunny NEHRA [IND14] (Medium) [19 - 5]
17 score Germany - Anna ORTH [GER06] (Medium) [20 - 5]
18 substitution India - Pomane PRANAV POPAT [IND12] substituted Namit [IND05]
18 substitution Germany - Sandra KÜPPER [GER21] substituted Johanna TREFFTS [GER08]
19 score Germany - Steffen HEPPEKAUSEN [GER16] (Medium) [21 - 5]
20 comment Half time: 21 - 5 in favour of Germany.
22 score India - Balvinder KAUR [IND09] (Long) [21 - 6]
22 substitution Germany - Theo NOWAK [GER11] substituted Steffen HEPPEKAUSEN [GER16]
22 substitution India - Kiran KOUR [IND02] substituted Kumari TAMANNA [IND10]
23 score India - Balvinder KAUR [IND09] (Medium) [21 - 7]
26 score Germany - Theo NOWAK [GER11] (Medium) [22 - 7]
26 comment Time out 1 for Germany
26 score Germany - Theo NOWAK [GER11] (Running in shot) [23 - 7]
27 score Germany - Lea WITTHAUS [GER01] (Running in shot) [24 - 7]
27 score India - Hunny NEHRA [IND14] (Medium) [24 - 8]
28 score Germany - Anna ORTH [GER06] (Medium) [25 - 8]
29 score Germany - Anna ORTH [GER06] (Running in shot) [26 - 8]
29 substitution Germany - Dag-Björn HERING [GER22] substituted Jan Robert HEMING [GER14]
30 comment End of Q3
30 substitution India - Namit [IND05] substituted Pomane PRANAV POPAT [IND12]
30 substitution Germany - Hannah HEILMANN [GER05] substituted Johanna GNUTT [GER03]
30 score India - Hunny NEHRA [IND14] (Near) [26 - 9]
31 score Germany - Lucas WITTHAUS [GER19] (Medium) [27 - 9]
32 score Germany - Theo NOWAK [GER11] (Penalty shot) [28 - 9]
33 score Germany - Theo NOWAK [GER11] (Medium) [29 - 9]
33 substitution India - Rana RIMPY [IND08] substituted Balvinder KAUR [IND09]
33 substitution Germany - Jana KIERDORF [GER04] substituted Anna ORTH [GER06]
34 score Germany - Lucas WITTHAUS [GER19] (Near) [30 - 9]
34 score India - Hunny NEHRA [IND14] (Near) [30 - 10]
34 score Germany - Thomas FREUND [GER15] (Penalty shot) [31 - 10]
35 score Germany - Sandra KÜPPER [GER21] (Medium) [32 - 10]
35 score Germany - Dag-Björn HERING [GER22] (Medium) [33 - 10]
36 substitution India - Pomane PRANAV POPAT [IND12] substituted NITESH [IND11]
37 score Germany - Lea WITTHAUS [GER01] (Medium) [34 - 10]
38 score Germany - Sandra KÜPPER [GER21] (Free pass) [35 - 10]
40 comment End of the game
40 comment End of the game: 35 - 10 in favour of Germany.
Number Name Sex Position Score
GER15 Thomas Freund A 2
GER16 Steffen Heppekausen A 5
GER06 Anna Orth A 6
GER08 Johanna Treffts A 1
GER13 Pascal Weckendrup D 1
GER14 Jan Robert Heming D 2
GER01 Lea Witthaus D 8
GER03 Johanna Gnutt D 1
Number Name Sex Position Score
GER04 Jana Kierdorf R 0
GER05 Hannah Heilmann R 0
GER11 Theo Nowak R 4
GER19 Lucas Witthaus R 2
GER21 Sandra KÜpper R 2
GER22 Dag-björn Hering R 1
Number Name Sex Position Score
IND01 Sharma Vishal A 1
IND12 Pomane Pranav Popat A 0
IND03 Kummankattil Shilpa A 1
IND10 Kumari Tamanna A 1
IND05 Namit D 0
IND11 Nitesh D 1
IND04 Indu Bala D 0
IND09 Balvinder Kaur D 2
Number Name Sex Position Score
IND02 Kiran Kour R 0
IND06 Yamini Dehloo R 0
IND07 Dev Balhara R 0
IND08 Rana Rimpy R 0
IND13 Mukesh Kumar Saini R 0
IND14 Hunny Nehra R 4

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