Clube Corfebol de Oeiras
KV Adler Rauxel
    • 29th Sep 2024
    • 12:00
Time (minutes)0
KV Adler Rauxel0
Clube Corfebol de Oeiras0
0 32
MinuteMin Info Score 10 - 11Score
3 score KV Adler Rauxel - Katharina HOLTKOTTE [ADL12] (Penalty shot) [0 - 1]
3 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Inês SANTOS [OEI12] (Running in shot) [1 - 1]
4 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Miguel FERREIRA [OEI07] (Medium) [2 - 1]
6 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Penalty shot) [2 - 2]
7 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Miguel VALADAS [OEI01] (Medium) [3 - 2]
8 score KV Adler Rauxel - Jonathan TREFFTS [ADL50] (Medium) [3 - 3]
9 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Medium) [3 - 4]
11 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Diogo RIBEIRO [OEI23] (Medium) [4 - 4]
12 score KV Adler Rauxel - Jonathan TREFFTS [ADL50] (Medium) [4 - 5]
14 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Rodrigo MARIANO [OEI37] (Penalty shot) [5 - 5]
14 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Diogo RIBEIRO [OEI23] (Medium) [6 - 5]
15 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Medium) [6 - 6]
16 comment Half time: 6 - 6.
16 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Miguel VALADAS [OEI01] (Medium) [7 - 6]
19 score KV Adler Rauxel - Johanna TREFFTS [ADL08] (Penalty shot) [7 - 7]
19 score KV Adler Rauxel - Tim Luis GÖDDE [ADL39] (Medium) [7 - 8]
20 score KV Adler Rauxel - Katharina HOLTKOTTE [ADL12] (Medium) [7 - 9]
20 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Diogo RIBEIRO [OEI23] (Near) [8 - 9]
22 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Penalty shot) [8 - 10]
22 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Inês SANTOS [OEI12] (Medium) [9 - 10]
28 comment Time out 1 for Clube de Corfebol de Oeiras
28 score KV Adler Rauxel - Madeline GUST [ADL03] (Penalty shot) [9 - 11]
30 comment Time out 1 for KV Adler Rauxel
31 score Clube Corfebol de Oeiras - Inês SANTOS [OEI12] (Penalty shot) [10 - 11]
32 comment End of the game: 10 - 11 in favour of KV Adler Rauxel.

Assistant referee

Reserve referee

Clube Corfebol de Oeiras
Number Name Sex Position Score
OEI01 Miguel Valadas A 2
OEI37 Rodrigo Mariano A 1
OEI02 Ana Curva A 0
OEI12 Inês Santos A 3
OEI07 Miguel Ferreira D 1
OEI23 Diogo Ribeiro D 3
OEI05 Isabel Almeida D 0
OEI14 Leonor GonÇalves D 0
Number Name Sex Position Score
OEI27 Matilde Reixa R 0
OEI30 Laura GonÇalves R 0
OEI46 Goncalo Maia R 0
OEI50 Andre Brites R 0
KV Adler Rauxel
Number Name Sex Position Score
ADL10 Floris Weber A 0
ADL50 Jonathan Treffts A 2
ADL08 Johanna Treffts A 1
ADL12 Katharina Holtkotte A 2
ADL39 Tim Luis GÖdde D 1
ADL46 Vincent Burmann D 0
ADL03 Madeline Gust D 5
ADL15 Karina Kirsch D 0
Number Name Sex Position Score
ADL02 Julia Strach R 0
ADL14 Henning Schmidt R 0
ADL26 Maja Wasielak R 0
ADL47 Lara Marie Bernsdorf R 0
ADL70 Maurice Grammel R 0
ADL86 Martin Schwarze R 0

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