Chinese Taipei Beach
Czechia Beach
  • Chinese Taipei Beach
  • Czechia Beach
Time (minutes)0
Chinese Taipei Beach0
Czechia Beach0
0 12
MinuteMin Info Score 14 - 8Score
0 score Czechia Beach - Aldar TSYBYKTAROV [CZE19] (Penalty shot) [0 - 1]
0 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Chia Chuan CHANG [TPE02] (Long) [2 - 1]
1 score Czechia Beach - Vendula VERNARSKA [CZE01] (Medium) [2 - 2]
3 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Fei-Yi SU [TPE07] (Medium) [3 - 2]
3 score Czechia Beach - Vlastimil KREJCI [CZE10] (Long) [3 - 4]
3 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Yi-Wen WANG [TPE05] (Medium) [4 - 4]
4 score Czechia Beach - Vlastimil KREJCI [CZE10] (Medium) [4 - 5]
5 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Fei-Yi SU [TPE07] (Long) [6 - 5]
6 comment Half time: 6 - 5 in favour of Chinese Taipei Beach.
6 score Czechia Beach - Ema SAKALIKOVA [CZE03] (Penalty shot) [6 - 6]
7 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Ming-Kai WANG [TPE01] (Penalty shot) [7 - 6]
8 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Chen-Hao JUNG [TPE10] (Long) [9 - 6]
9 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Shu-Ping CHU [TPE04] (Long) [11 - 6]
10 score Chinese Taipei Beach - CHIA-CHE, CHANG [TPE08] (Penalty shot) [12 - 6]
11 score Czechia Beach - Vlastimil KREJCI [CZE10] (Penalty shot) [12 - 7]
11 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Shu-Ping CHU [TPE04] (Medium) [13 - 7]
11 card Chinese Taipei Beach - CHIA-CHE, CHANG [TPE08] has gotten a yellow card
11 score Czechia Beach - Vlastimil KREJCI [CZE10] (Penalty shot) [13 - 8]
11 score Chinese Taipei Beach - Chen-Hao JUNG [TPE10] (Medium) [14 - 8]
12 comment End of the game: 14 - 8 in favour of Chinese Taipei Beach.
Chinese Taipei Beach
Number Name Sex Position Score
TPE02 Chia Chuan Chang A 1
TPE10 Chen-hao Jung A 2
TPE03 Jia-yi, Wu A 0
TPE04 Shu-ping Chu A 2
Number Name Sex Position Score
TPE01 Ming-kai Wang R 1
TPE05 Yi-wen Wang R 1
TPE07 Fei-yi Su R 2
TPE08 Chia-che, Chang R 1
Czechia Beach
Number Name Sex Position Score
CZE10 Vlastimil Krejci A 4
CZE19 Aldar Tsybyktarov A 1
CZE03 Ema Sakalikova A 1
CZE27 Jitka Pavlickova A 0
Number Name Sex Position Score
CZE01 Vendula Vernarska R 1
CZE12 Kristyna Holubcikova R 0
CZE29 Petr Snajdr R 0
CZE39 Rostislav Kortus R 0

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