Great Britain
  • Australia
  • Great Britain
Time (minutes)0
Great Britain0
0 60
MinuteMin Info Score 18 - 31Score
2 score Great Britain - Aimee EVANS WOODVINE [GBR05] (Medium) [0 - 1]
3 score Great Britain - Hannah LORRIMER [GBR03] (Medium) [0 - 2]
3 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Near) [0 - 3]
5 comment Missed penalty GBR 11
6 score Australia - Mark HAMILTON [AUS11] (Penalty shot) [1 - 3]
7 score Great Britain - Aimee EVANS WOODVINE [GBR05] (Medium) [1 - 4]
8 score Great Britain - Otto FABIUS [GBR17] (Long) [1 - 5]
9 comment Time out 1 for Australia.
11 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Near) [1 - 6]
13 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Penalty shot) [1 - 7]
14 score Great Britain - Otto FABIUS [GBR17] (Free pass) [1 - 8]
17 score Australia - Jessica MAY [AUS02] (Medium) [2 - 8]
20 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Medium) [2 - 9]
20 score Australia - Lia MATTHEWS [AUS06] (Long) [3 - 9]
21 score Australia - Jessica MAY [AUS02] (Near) [4 - 9]
22 comment Missed penalty AUS12.
24 score Australia - Vanessa BRAITHWAITE [AUS01] (Free pass) [5 - 9]
26 comment Time out 1 for Great Britain.
26 comment Missed penalty GBR11.
28 score Australia - Megan O'KEEFE [AUS04] (Long) [6 - 9]
29 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Penalty shot) [6 - 10]
29 score Australia - Dennis GILES [AUS12] (Long) [7 - 10]
30 score Australia - Dennis GILES [AUS12] (Penalty shot) [8 - 10]
30 score Great Britain - Natasha DAWSON [GBR04] (Medium) [8 - 11]
30 comment Half time: 8 - 11 in favour for Great Britain
31 substitution Australia - James TYE [AUS10] substituted Luke ROSIE [AUS09]
31 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Penalty shot) [8 - 12]
36 score Great Britain - Hannah LORRIMER [GBR03] (Long) [8 - 13]
37 score Great Britain - Otto FABIUS [GBR17] (Penalty shot) [8 - 14]
38 score Australia - Brad MARKS [AUS07] (Medium) [9 - 14]
38 comment Time out 2 for Australia.
39 score Australia - Megan O'KEEFE [AUS04] (Medium) [10 - 14]
41 score Great Britain - Otto FABIUS [GBR17] (Free pass) [10 - 15]
42 score Great Britain - Aimee EVANS WOODVINE [GBR05] (Near) [10 - 16]
43 score Australia - Mark HAMILTON [AUS11] (Running in shot) [11 - 16]
43 substitution Great Britain - David BROOKS [GBR14] substituted Robert WILLIAMS [GBR09]
43 score Great Britain - Carly HOLNESS [GBR02] (Near) [11 - 17]
43 score Australia - Jessica MAY [AUS02] (Long) [12 - 17]
45 score Great Britain - Otto FABIUS [GBR17] (Long) [12 - 18]
45 substitution Great Britain - Kathryn BROOKS [GBR01] substituted Carly HOLNESS [GBR02]
45 score Australia - Megan O'KEEFE [AUS04] (Running in shot) [13 - 18]
46 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Penalty shot) [13 - 19]
48 score Great Britain - Aimee EVANS WOODVINE [GBR05] (Medium) [13 - 20]
49 comment Missed penalty AUS12.
50 score Australia - Dennis GILES [AUS12] (Near) [14 - 20]
50 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Near) [14 - 21]
51 score Great Britain - David BROOKS [GBR14] (Long) [14 - 22]
52 score Great Britain - Otto FABIUS [GBR17] (Free pass) [14 - 23]
54 score Australia - Jessica MAY [AUS02] (Free pass) [15 - 23]
54 score Great Britain - Natasha DAWSON [GBR04] (Long) [15 - 24]
54 score Great Britain - Kathryn BROOKS [GBR01] (Running in shot) [15 - 25]
56 score Australia - Vanessa BRAITHWAITE [AUS01] (Long) [16 - 25]
56 substitution Great Britain - Heather LYMBURN [GBR06] substituted Hannah LORRIMER [GBR03]
56 score Great Britain - Otto FABIUS [GBR17] (Near) [16 - 26]
57 score Australia - Megan O'KEEFE [AUS04] (Near) [17 - 26]
57 score Great Britain - Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11] (Medium) [17 - 27]
59 score Great Britain - Otto FABIUS [GBR17] (Medium) [17 - 28]
59 score Australia - Jessica MAY [AUS02] (Long) [18 - 28]
59 score Great Britain - Natasha DAWSON [GBR04] (Medium) [18 - 29]
59 score Great Britain - David BROOKS [GBR14] (Medium) [18 - 30]
59 substitution Great Britain - Ross BOWER [GBR16] substituted Joseph BEDFORD [GBR11]
60 comment Missed penalty AUS12.
60 score Great Britain - Aimee EVANS WOODVINE [GBR05] (Long) [18 - 31]
60 comment End of match 18-31 in favour of Great Britain.
Number Name Sex Position Score
AUS04 Megan O'keefe D 4
AUS07 Brad Marks D 1
AUS02 Jessica May A 5
AUS01 Vanessa Braithwaite A 2
AUS09 Luke Rosie A 0
AUS12 Dennis Giles A 3
AUS11 Mark Hamilton D 2
AUS06 Lia Matthews D 1
Number Name Sex Position Score
AUS05 Katrina Borg R 0
AUS08 Matthew Crook R 0
AUS03 Natalie Shield R 0
AUS10 James Tye R 0
AUS13 Jeremy Harris R 0
AUS14 Pam Reynolds R 0
Great Britain
Number Name Sex Position Score
GBR10 David Synott A 0
GBR11 Joseph Bedford D 9
GBR04 Natasha Dawson D 3
GBR17 Otto Fabius A 8
GBR02 Carly Holness D 1
GBR09 Robert Williams D 0
GBR03 Hannah Lorrimer A 2
GBR05 Aimee Evans Woodvine A 5
Number Name Sex Position Score
GBR01 Kathryn Brooks R 1
GBR14 David Brooks R 2
GBR07 Stephanie Allen R 0
GBR06 Heather Lymburn R 0
GBR15 Charles Vogwill R 0
GBR16 Ross Bower R 0

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