New Zealand
    • 30th Nov 2022
    • 10:00
Time (minutes)0
New Zealand0
0 32
MinuteMin Info Score 26 - 0Score
1 score New Zealand - Juliet ROBERTSON [1] (Near) [1 - 0]
3 score New Zealand - Nicole LLOYD [8] (Medium) [2 - 0]
4 score New Zealand - Torsten BALL [21] (Medium) [3 - 0]
4 score New Zealand - Ynys Robbie BACH-STRONG [24] (Penalty shot) [4 - 0]
6 score New Zealand - Per TONASCIA [28] (Penalty shot) [5 - 0]
7 score New Zealand - Nicole LLOYD [8] (Medium) [6 - 0]
8 comment End Q1
8 score New Zealand - Michelle Louise TAPP [7] (Running in shot) [7 - 0]
9 score New Zealand - Torsten BALL [21] (Running in shot) [8 - 0]
12 score New Zealand - Per TONASCIA [28] (Medium) [9 - 0]
13 score New Zealand - Nicole LLOYD [8] (Long) [10 - 0]
14 score New Zealand - Chelsea RUIZ [14] (Penalty shot) [11 - 0]
14 score New Zealand - Torsten BALL [21] (Medium) [12 - 0]
15 score New Zealand - Nicole LLOYD [8] (Near) [13 - 0]
16 comment Half time: 13 - 0 in favour of New Zealand.
16 substitution New Zealand - Kennedy Rose VALLANCE [9] substituted Juliet ROBERTSON [1]
16 substitution New Zealand - Caitlin Rose NIXON-SMITH [10] substituted Chelsea RUIZ [14]
16 substitution Indonesia - Muhammad Rizky RAMADHAN [3] substituted Muhammad Sudrajat SUDRAJAT [15]
16 substitution Indonesia - Maya Ratna NINGRUM [5] substituted Putri RETNOSARI [7]
18 score New Zealand - Nicole LLOYD [8] (Near) [14 - 0]
18 substitution Indonesia - Putri RETNOSARI [7] substituted Ani Tri WIDYASTUTI [4]
18 substitution Indonesia - Ani Tri WIDYASTUTI [4] substituted Melia Tashia ANJANI [8]
21 score New Zealand - Caitlin Rose NIXON-SMITH [10] (Medium) [15 - 0]
21 substitution Indonesia - Muhammad Sudrajat SUDRAJAT [15] substituted Randy Kusuma HARDANA [12]
22 score New Zealand - Michelle Louise TAPP [7] (Medium) [16 - 0]
22 substitution New Zealand - Juliet ROBERTSON [1] substituted Nicole LLOYD [8]
22 score New Zealand - Per TONASCIA [28] (Near) [17 - 0]
23 score New Zealand - Per TONASCIA [28] (Near) [18 - 0]
23 substitution Indonesia - Angeline Septiani TARUK BUA [11] substituted Ani Tri WIDYASTUTI [4]
23 score New Zealand - Ynys Robbie BACH-STRONG [24] (Near) [19 - 0]
24 substitution New Zealand - Tom DONALDSON [29] substituted Ynys Robbie BACH-STRONG [24]
24 score New Zealand - Michelle Louise TAPP [7] (Running in shot) [20 - 0]
24 score New Zealand - Per TONASCIA [28] (Penalty shot) [21 - 0]
25 score New Zealand - Juliet ROBERTSON [1] (Near) [22 - 0]
26 score New Zealand - Michelle Louise TAPP [7] (Medium) [23 - 0]
26 substitution New Zealand - Chelsea RUIZ [14] substituted Michelle Louise TAPP [7]
26 substitution Indonesia - Melia Tashia ANJANI [8] substituted Maya Ratna NINGRUM [5]
26 substitution Indonesia - Ani Tri WIDYASTUTI [4] substituted Angeline Septiani TARUK BUA [11]
28 score New Zealand - Caitlin Rose NIXON-SMITH [10] (Running in shot) [24 - 0]
28 substitution New Zealand - Jeric STA RITA [22] substituted Youri BORRINK [26]
29 score New Zealand - Kennedy Rose VALLANCE [9] (Running in shot) [25 - 0]
30 score New Zealand - Per TONASCIA [28] (Near) [26 - 0]
32 comment End of the game: 26 - 0 in favour of New Zealand.
New Zealand
Number Name Sex Position Score
26 Youri Borrink A 0
28 Per Tonascia A 6
1 Juliet Robertson A 2
8 Nicole Lloyd A 5
21 Torsten Ball D 3
24 Ynys Robbie Bach-strong D 2
7 Michelle Louise Tapp D 4
14 Chelsea Ruiz D 1
Number Name Sex Position Score
6 Megan Shea R 0
9 Kennedy Rose Vallance R 1
10 Caitlin Rose Nixon-smith R 2
22 Jeric Sta Rita R 0
27 Spencer Te Pou R 0
29 Tom Donaldson R 0
Number Name Sex Position Score
12 Randy Kusuma Hardana A 0
1 Joshua Natanael Yangtjik A 0
7 Putri Retnosari A 0
13 Intan Siti Latifah A 0
9 Julius Rakha Bowo Laksono D 0
15 Muhammad Sudrajat Sudrajat D 0
4 Ani Tri Widyastuti D 0
8 Melia Tashia Anjani D 0
Number Name Sex Position Score
3 Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan R 0
5 Maya Ratna Ningrum R 0
11 Angeline Septiani Taruk Bua R 0
20 Rakha Moehammad Kusuma Putra R 0

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